
How To Build a $1 Million Net Income Real Estate Team w/ Chris Watters

How do you earn a net income of $1 million in three short years? Is it all about strategy? Is it the right place and the right time? Well, what better way to find out than to ask the man who did it himself in the real estate industry. 

Chris Watters is one of the top real estate agents in Austin and he shared with us his secrets to success all the while recognizing and appreciating what Real Geeks has been doing to help real estate agents get their careers going and growing.

How It All Started

Chris’ story is quite fascinating in that he did a lot of the things that a typical aspiring real estate agent or entrepreneur does not want to do. This could be the reason why he got unique results with his ventures.

Chris tells us that it all started by buying a CRM. Once he secured leads, he then used them as leverage to get agents to work with him right off the bat. These agents were really useful in following up on these leads and eventually converting them. 

What’s amazing about Chris’ entire journey is that it started with very little capital itself. He essentially zero-costed working with agents at first by getting a few vendors or local businesses who would benefit from the downstream of new movers to invest in his business and, in turn, pay the agents. 

Chris also emphasized that it’s important to get a sales team to prospect for clients. He noted that agents often hate talking to clients on the phone. That's why you need to invest in a good inside sales team to take over the job. 

The Inner Workings

Chris gave us a lot of insight into what made it all work out. It turns out that you can’t possibly build a good real estate team and convert clients if you’re not a good agent yourself.

So, what do you do? You get yourself trained or coached.

When it comes to dealing with clients you need to accomplish three important things, A) establish rapport, B) establish that you’re an expert, and C) make sure to let them know about your value and what sets you apart.

Also, take note of the importance of a good inside and outside sales team. Inside sales teams refer to the appointment setting, following up on a lead, and getting them to meet you. Outside sales teams refer to face-to-face interaction and finally getting them to do business with you. 

Essentially, the road to riches in real estate is to learn how to convert clients that have no idea who you are.