
How to Train Your Mind to Get More Deals

In our 11th episode, of Keeping it Real, Real Estate Trainer, Matthew Ferry shares: “How to Train Your Mind to Get More Deals”.

Matthew is a sales Jedi master, mindset trainer and real estate coach. He specializes in helping agents have major break-thru’s in their business and their life challenges. He has trained over 8000 agents in 1 on 1 coaching & groups how to increase their production while still having balance in their lives.

Here's what we covered with timestamps so you can jump to the section that most interests you:

5:00 - How Matthew Ferry got motivated to improve the way he was coaching
9:20 - Matthew explains what a top agent lifestyle is, and how that figures into the top agent mindset
12:30 - Why your mind is not your friend when it comes to prospecting
17:09 - The Game Changer process and correcting your mindset to become flexible
23:13 - The right mindset to have when dealing with expired listings
26:30 - Matthew's opinion on affirmations, and why they are like cotton candy
30:37 - How to sift through all the information out there in order to get real results in real estate
35:55 - How to determine if you are a pleasure seeker or a pain avoider
42:00 - Situations where an agent gets stuck in frustration, and how to correct them
45:07 - The difficulty of building self-awareness and powerful tools to improve it
49:23 - How to get over complacency with a commitment
53:49 - How Matthew defines happiness and how it can be productive
53:49 - How Matthew defines happiness and how it can be productive

We'd like to thank Matthew Ferry for joining us and sharing his insights.

These live on-air Google Hangouts are presented and hosted by our very own Jeff Manson, Hawaii real estate broker and founder of Real Geeks, in partnership with Frank Klesitz, CEO of Vyral Marketing.

You can visit our Real Geeks YouTube Channel to watch all past recordings.

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Our next Live On Air Google Hangout is scheduled for Thursday, November 20th at 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT. “How to Set More Appointment & Take More Listings” w/ Returning Guest Bill Jenkins.

You can watch all past episodes of Keeping it Real and OPT In to get get invited to upcoming episodes here: http://www.keepingitreal.com - you can also see additional free online real estate training and coaching videos on our webinars page.