
Creating Sales Velocity

Our eleventh episode in 2015 of Keeping it Real, “Creating Sales Velocity" features trainer/coach and author, Matthew Ferry.

Matthew shares:
- How to start attracting more business to you and stop pushing it away.
- How to move into a state of extreme confidence.
- How to start communicating at a higher level that allows you to close more sales.

He also covers what you can do to start connecting with more prospects to increase your business.

Below is a full on-demand replay of the live Google Hangout On Air event.

Podcasts available on iTunes and Stitcher.

Here's what we covered with timestamps so you can jump to the section that most interests you:

3:50 Jeff shares the importance of listening.
7:52 Distinction between top producers and other agents -  how your mindset creates sales velocity.
11:43 People are already a "yes."
13:40 Shift from making a sale to making a contribution.
16:19 Techniques for you to make that shift.
22:09 Matthew goes over his process for releasing attachment.
25:34 Give up your ideas of how this interaction with your client (or potential client) is supposed to be.
35:11 Shift from feeling out of control to controlling your feelings.
37:16 Founding principle of Matthew's company: Practice total and complete acceptance of all people in all situations at all times, including yourself.
40:39 Harmonizing with people from chapter six of Creating Sales Velocity.
42:42 Adjusting your speech to show others that you appreciate them and respect them: how your rate of speech, tone, and vowel sounds can make someone subconsciously believe that you are part of their tribe.
47:26 Matthew on shifting your emotions.
51:08 Igniting sales velocity.

We'd like to thank Matthew for joining us. You can get his book “Creating Sales Velocity” on Amazon and also check out his training materiel on Top Agent Mindset.

These live on-air Google Hangouts are presented and hosted by our very own Jeff Manson, Hawaii real estate broker of American Dream Realty and founder of Real Geeks, in partnership with Frank Klesitz, CEO of Vyral Marketing.

You can visit our Real Geeks YouTube Channel to watch all past recordings.

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